Payment Arrangements

Contact the business office by telephone 641.585.8135 or via email ( to find the best payment option for you. Generally, the amount owed to Waldorf (after financial aid) for a specific semester is due according to the following schedule:

  • Fall Semester: August 31
  • Spring Semester: January 31
  • Summer Semester: May 31

Tuition / Housing Deposit Form

Payment arrangement options include the following:

  • Payment in Full: Payment is due August 31 for the fall semester balance that will not be covered by financial aid and loans. Payment is due January 31 for the spring semester balance.
  • Payment deferred over the semester: Payments will be accepted with a monthly one percent finance charge added to the student’s tuition account. This account must be paid in full to register for the following semester. The first payment is due August 31.

Payments may be mailed to:

ATTN: Business Office
Waldorf University
106 S 6th Street
Forest City, IA 50436

*Please include the student ID number on all payments.

** Waldorf accepts cash, check, money order, American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa as forms of payment.

Terms of Payment

By act of registration, students accept the responsibility to pay the charges for the entire semester, regardless of the method or source of payment. Suitable payment arrangements must be made each semester before the third day of classes. Students who do not pay or make suitable payment arrangements for their semester bill will be placed on business hold and may not be allowed to attend class or participate in activities until payment or arrangements have been made at the business office.

The university reserves the right to withhold registration materials, transcripts, diplomas and all other information regarding the record of any student who is in arrears in the payment of tuition, fees or any other amounts due the university including Perkins or Direct Student Loans. A student may be dismissed from the university for continued delinquency of financial obligations. Unpaid bills may be submitted to a collection agency. Collection and/or other finance charges must be paid by the student in addition to the unpaid amount before the university can release information as described in the preceding paragraph.